这是 APK 文件的安全验证说明,如果想校验文件的安全性,请按照如下步骤操作: This is the instruction of APK files security verification. If you want to verify whether this file is secure, follow these specific steps: 1. 下载 .apk 文件并计算 MD5 值: Download the .apk file and check the value of binary Md5: URL:android.tronlink.org Script:md5 Tronlink_official_xxx_xxxxxxxxxx.apk 2. 下载 TronLink 的公钥文件: download tronlink_android_pubkey.pem: URL:github.com/TRON-US/tronlink-sign 3. 下载 .dat file 并在运行如下命令查看签名验证结果: Download .dat file and check the signature verification: URL:android.tronlink.org Script:openssl rsautl -verify -inkey tronlink_android_pubkey.pem -pubin -in Tronlink_official_sign.dat